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Article: Anatomically Detailed and Large-Scale Simulations Studying Synapse Loss and Synchrony Using NeuroBox.

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Breit M; Stepniewski M; Grein S; Gottmann P; Reinhardt L; Queisser G
Front Neuroanat, 2016

Network creation statistics sorted by size, i.e., by number of contained cells within the network, in ascending order.

Vertices Sections Cells Elapsed time [s] Grid size [mb]
1403 418 12 0.01 0.14
15535 4382 120 0.02 1.60
156596 43892 1200 0.50 16.9
1644260 465262 12000 44.7 65.6
2840213 1212108 120000 300 221.1

The networks are composed of L5A and L5B pyramidal cells (≈ 16% each), of L4 spiny stellate cells (≈ 42%) as well as L2/3 pyramidal neurons (≈ 26%). The smallest network contains 12 and the largest network 120,000 cells in total. To create even larger networks with the same memory resources, one can decrease the number of compartments using the section_length parameter.

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